I have had a time with these beta blockers. Yesterday I went to a full pill two times a day and it made me very nervous. Heart rate actually went up. I go this morning for treatment then I have an ultra sound of my heart and visit the cardioligist' nurse afterward. I took the pill this morning and am ready to jump out of my hide. I start chemo tomorrow and want to do that with my heart back to normal.
Robin Carrington took be to my treatment yesterday and I thank her very much. All these people giving their time for me is so humbling.
All went well with treatment and Dr. McGary said I seemed to be doing fine and that I have 10 more radiation treatments. I met with him and Dr. Feddock yesterday and both said I was doing well. I'd hate to be doing badly if this is well. I gues I shoud not complain because, so far, I'm able to get around and I am eating good. Some I see there are not doing as well. I am just ready to start feeling better and the chemo tomorrow is going to prevent that. I am just fighting the blues. " Lawed, Lawed. got them chemo blues, I said, Lawed, Lawed got them chemo blues. from the top of my bald head to the bottom of my dragging shoes." God bless you and your house.
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